Dun & Bradstreet


The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud offers the world’s largest set of business decisioning data and analytical insights, providing insights on hundreds of millions of businesses and other commercial entities across the globe. We source data from 10’s of thousands of sources, 10’s of millions of websites, and crowd-sourcing/validating initiatives. We continuously monitor our vast number of sources for changes that impact information in the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud, verify changes, and update the Data Cloud accordingly.

Additionally, the Data Cloud offers the deepest and richest insights into relationships of all types among companies, identifying millions of relationships that can inform decision making. We leverage information from our global sources, along with proprietary capabilities, to discover and curate millions of business to business relationships. These relationships can include corporate hierarchies, ultimate beneficial ownership, alternative-type relationships, historical ownership, and analytically derived connections. We continuously monitor the dynamic changes to these relationships, including corporate actions such as mergers, acquisitions and divestitures and make relevant updates.

Finance Solutions
(Credit & Receivable Intelligence)

Third-Party Risk
& Compliance Solutions
(Supplier & Compliance Intelligence)

Sales & Marketing Solutions
(Profitable Prospecting)

Data Cleansing
(Match, Dedupe & Append)

Customer Testimonials
(Use Cases and Resources)

D&B Finance Analytics

D&B Finance Analytics is the complete AI-driven platform powered by the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud. Intelligent, flexible, and easy to use, D&B Finance Analytics helps finance teams to manage risk, increase operational efficiency, reduce costs and improve the customer experience. D&B Finance Analytics comprises two configurable applications – Credit Intelligence and Receivables
Intelligence – that together create a powerful credit-to-cash platform.

Credit Intelligence from D&B Finance Analytics

Credit Intelligence helps you scale credit-to-cash—no matter your company’s size. You can issue instant credit decisions, standardize credit review processes, conduct advanced portfolio and account analysis, and manage your entire portfolio to help reduce DSO and get paid on time. Credit Intelligence from D&B Finance Analytics comprises three applications – Decision Maker, Portfolio Insight, and Account Manager. When combined with D&B Finance Analytics Receivables Intelligence, they create a powerful credit-to-cash platform.

Decision Maker

Automate credit decisions and improve onboarding efficiency with Decision Maker. Combine your credit policies with the world’s largest set of business data and analytical insights from the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud to help pre-screen and validate applicants and use custom credit scorecards to make instant decisions on credit requests. Decision Maker includes an online credit application that can be easily configured and allows for applicants to upload additional documents such as financial statements. In addition, you can also receive the D&B Credit Check for Salesforce External Website app, which offers real-time point-of-sale credit decisioning for sales teams.

Portfolio Insight

Gain visibility into your portfolio with Portfolio Insight. Its global portfolio management capabilities and enhanced reporting help you understand total potential risk and identify growth opportunities. Easy-to-read charts and graphics provide a clear view of risk breakdown and trends to help you understand current risk distribution of outstanding dollars and riskiest accounts through such segmentations as industry, location, aging buckets, and credit limit utilization -even calculating a bad debt reserve. Alerts, a popular feature, mean you’ll be notified of any changes to your customers’ potential risk levels before they may impact your bottom line.

Account Manager

Transform your account review process with Account Manager. Proactively manage potential risk by combining your A/R data with the latest Dun & Bradstreet analytics for real-time changes in credit quality. With Account Manager, you can build account scores, define credit limits and terms, and manage account data. Automated reviews scan for changes in credit risk quality and when needed, accounts are flagged for review, which can lead to reevaluating credit, changing terms, or, if a risk is identified, placing a credit hold or sending to collections. Automated reviews help to substantially improve the efficiency of your end-to-end account management workflow.

Receivable Intelligence from D&B Finance Analytics

Transform your credit-to-cash processes with automated e-invoicing, collections management, and payment reconciliation that easily integrates with your ERP. Receivables Intelligence is easy to use and easy to implement – requiring minimal IT support to help you get up and running quickly.

Receivables Intelligence from D&B Finance Analytics comprises three applications – Collections Management, Payment Portal, and Cash Management. When combined with D&B Finance Analytics Credit Intelligence, they create a powerful credit-to-cash platform.

Collections Management

Now Dun & Bradstreet’s category-defining commercial credit data and analytical insights can help you streamline the collections process and increase the effectiveness of your company’s efforts. This collaborative and comprehensive solution allows you to prioritize collections, increase efficiencies, and simplify workflows through automation. With Dun & Bradstreet’s predictive data and analytical insights natively integrated into the solution, you’ll gain visibility into potential risk.

Payment Portal

Gain visibility into your portfolio with Portfolio Insight. Its global portfolio management capabilities and enhanced reporting help you understand total potential risk and identify growth opportunities. Easy-to-read charts and graphics provide a clear view of risk breakdown and trends to help you understand the current risk distribution of outstanding dollars and riskiest accounts through such segmentations as industry, location, aging buckets, and credit limit utilization -even calculating a bad debt reserve. Alerts, a popular feature, mean you’ll be notified of any changes to your customers’ potential risk levels before they may impact your bottom line.

Cash Management

Cash Management applies and reconciles payments through multiple channels to
reduce payment processing costs, improve the quality of cash numbers, and reduce DSO. This collaborative tool enables payment matching, remittance resolution, payment application and reporting while eliminating redundant communications, emails, and spreadsheets.

Third-Party Risk & Compliance Solutions

Corporations need full confidence and transparency into their vendors and non-vendors. With Dun & Bradstreet’s third-party risk management solution, you can perform comprehensive due diligence and risk management to ensure ethical and responsible relationships.

D&B Risk Analytics

D&B Risk Analytics provides supply and compliance teams with intelligent AI-powered supplier data and insights to best protect their organization’s revenue and reputation from third-party risks. With D&B Risk Analytics, you can screen your network of third-party suppliers, monitor screened suppliers for risk changes and receive alerts when potential risk arises. Gain visibility into your suppliers’ corporate linkage and ultimate beneficial owners (UBO), locate best alternative suppliers, and run reports to assess your supplier portfolio.

D&B Risk Analytics is one of the very few solutions on the market today that provides both comprehensive continuously updated data integrated into software to help manage risk.

Intelligently Manage Third-Party Risk

Avoid gaps in supplier risk management and reduce the likelihood of operational disruption with end-to-end risk management. D&B Risk Analytics “red flags” highlight critical indicators of supply risk – including risk conditions, business profiles, D&B risk score, financial indicators – and features broad content and deep insight across multiple risk domains.

Increase Operational Efficiency

D&B Risk Analytics helps predict and mitigate risk quickly with near real-time global visibility. This scalable and collaborative solution features intuitive screening workflows, personalized risk views, and automated alerts relevant to your business and role.

Achieve Third-Party Visibility

Enhance business insights and standardize third-party data with Dun & Bradstreet’s leading, AI-driven predictive insights and data cloud—integrating a consistent, unique identifier throughout your vendor and risk processes, systems and applications globally to manage your third-party portfolio more effectively. Quickly assess your global vendor portfolio and access multiple reports to showcase performance insight. Dun & Bradstreet’s unique D‑U‑N‑S® Number, corporate linkage, ownership and principal data help risk leaders enhance their business intelligence.

Sales & Marketing Solutions

We empower sales, marketing, and operations, teams, to improve the impact of go-to-market strategies with better data, analytics, and solutions built on this data foundation. Our end-to-end solutions improve performance across the buyer journey and give you the insights you need to grow faster.

D&B Hoovers is a sales acceleration solution that provides a faster path from prospect to the profitable relationship by leveraging data and analytics. B2B sales professionals can engage faster with customers to help grow their business.


Target More Strategically Access comprehensive intelligence on more than 170 million business records.
Enable Informed Conversations Deliver intelligence and insight to the tools where your sellers and marketers work every day.
Enhance Sales Productivity Intuitive interface and automated workflow features include real-time alerts, dynamically updating lists, and personalized buyer intent models.

Sales & Marketing Solutions

D&B Hoovers offers dynamic search and list-building capabilities, real-time trigger alerts, comprehensive company profiles, and valuable research and technology reports to help sellers get in the door first. With higher quality sales leads and deeper company intelligence at their fingertips, sellers will be empowered to spend less time searching and more time selling.

Best Sales Intelligence Leverage buyer intent signals, analytics, news, and in-depth company data to help identify your strongest opportunities.
Best User Experience Increase sales productivity with easy access to business data and intelligence within an intuitive interface.
Best Ecosystem Integration Increase alignment between Sales and Marketing and engage more effectively with CRM and MAP connectors

D&B Optimizer

Powered by the Data Cloud, D&B Optimizer serves as the foundational building block for your sales and marketing alignment by delivering valuable business intelligence on more than 400 million business records and their corporate hierarchies. These records are curated from thousands of sources and are updated 5 million times a day providing you with the quality B2B data you need to increase productivity and organizational alignment while enabling you to accelerate growth.

D&B Optimizer provides you with consistency and a higher level of confidence when leveraging company and contact data across your account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns and systems by enabling entity resolution and matching, enriching your data, empowering continuous data hygiene, as well as analysis and visualization.